Only special sport bras can partially avoid this

Sep 27, 2007 18:21 GMT  ·  By

It seems that nice boobs and a nice body don't go hand in hand. The way to sagged breasts seems to pass through fitness rooms and jogging sessions, if women do not wear suitable bras. By exercising without a proper bra, millions of women 'damage' their breasts.

A Portsmouth University found that while practicing sports, breasts moved in a 3D figure of eight and those uncontrolled movements stretched fragile tissues and ligaments. A jogging of one mile (1.6 km) makes a woman's breasts move 135 m (450 ft). Each breast bounced independently of the body by an average distance of 9 cm (3.5 inch) for each step made on the treadmill.

An average breast weighs about 200 and 300 g (0.4-0.7 pounds), but a pair of D-cup breasts weighs about 15 to 23 pounds (7 to 10 kilograms) and there is even JJ size! This movement stresses significantly the breast's fragile support: the outer skin and connective tissues (called Cooper's ligaments), inducing temporary pain and discomfort, but also an irreversible stretching and deterioration of the Cooper's ligament, causing the so-called sagged breasts.

"Breasts have little natural support, although ligaments and the skin are thought to do most or all of the work. Breasts are made up of fat, milk ducts and connective tissues, such as collagen, ligaments and blood vessels. The momentum created by intense bouncing can stretch the breast's connective tissues, causing sagging and pain for many women. An estimated 50 % of women experience breast pain during exercise," said author Dr. Joanne Scurr, biomechanics professor at the University of Portsmouth.

The team found that an ordinary T-shirt bra decreased the bounce by 38%, while some sports bra can do it by 78%. "Women needed to be aware of the effects of exercising without properly supporting their breasts. People rightly spend time and effort to get the right footwear for exercise and it is equally important to wear the correct sports bra. Proper support for breasts will reduce the stretch to the Cooper's ligament", said Scurr.

Nice breasts are a crucial 'ingredient' of femininity, but women play a heavy price for this: no matter if poorly-endowed or too generous, bouncing boobs are not really 'supported' by ordinary bras.