Healing, staying alive, and being a nuissance are key

Feb 18, 2015 13:42 GMT  ·  By

After going through tips on how to be a successful monster and a good Trapper hunter in Evolve, it's time to focus on the Medic, arguably one of, if not the most important member of a hunter team.

Evolve came out last week, and players are already starting to come to grips with the different classes and the hectic gameplay offered by Turtle Rock's pretty impressive shooter.

While many are already figuring out the best strategy when playing in each of the different roles, we've decided to share a few tips on the specifics.

Being a good Medic is crucial to the success of the hunters

While Trappers are useful in tracking down the monster and keeping it contained, Medics are essential when it comes to actually keeping the hunters alive and able to deal with the actual monster.

First up, a general tip concerning the class-specific Healing Burst ability. Positioning is important for a medic and you should quickly figure out the range of the healing burst so that you can have the most impact without putting yourself in danger.

Also, as a Medic, prepare to get focused on by the monster. Any good player knows that hunters can be eliminated much more easily if they're not being healed up by their medic. As such, always stay on the move and never give the monster the chance to pin you down or push you into a wall.

Three different Medics perform different roles

The first Medic character unlocked at the beginning is Val, who proves to be quite versatile in not only healing teammates but also hampering the monster's efforts. Her Medgun is very useful but also offers a clear signal to the monster about your location. As such, stay on the move. The armor-piercing sniper rifle and the tranquilizer gun are extremely useful, so try to use them whenever possible, especially since they don't give away your position.

Lazarus is the second unlockable character and is quite handy when you're dealing with a Wraith or with experienced monsters that will take down the hunters. His Lazarus device instantly revives dead comrades but you should also try to attempt regular revivals by using your personal cloak and avoiding the attention of the monster. His silencer sniper rifle is also great at piercing through the armor of the creatures.

Last but not least, there's Caira, who can heal not just through the burst but also with her Healing Grenade Launcher. When in combat, try to also use the acceleration field ability, as well as the napalm grenades that deal serious damage.

Being a Medic in Evolve is a tough job, but with a bit of practice, you'll keep your hunters alive easily.

Stay tuned for more tips in our Evolve Gamer Diary series in the next few days.

Evolve Medics (6 Images)

Val is the starting medic in Evolve
The heal gun in action in EvolveCaira in Evolve