Your 'second brain' is about to get smarter

Apr 2, 2009 12:27 GMT  ·  By

Evernote for iPhone has reached version 2.0, the app's developers have confirmed. The update to the iPhone client is the first major release to arrive in months, but, according to the team at Evernote, “it was well worth the wait.”

As a post over at indicates, the latest update to the iPhone client introduces landscape support, thumbnail view, Favorites sorting, speed improvements, an embedded web browser and other hot stuff. The team encourages existing users to download and install the fresh update from the iTunes App Store. “As always, we recommend giving you’re iPhone a cleansing reboot after upgrading to the new version of Evernote. Call us superstitious, but that just seems to make it work much smoother,” the team claims.

“In addition to the big things, we’ve also made a number of smaller (but not less important) enhancements,” the developers add. Those enhancements include faster load times, a more polished-up UI, faster attaching of photos to notes, much more accurate note geo-tagging and improved support for favorites, featuring access to attached files. As far as the big changes are concerned, those are detailed below, as posted by the Evernote team, complete with instructions / tips on how to use them.


Evernote now supports landscape orientation for many of its application screens. This is particularly useful when creating or editing a note, as it brings up the spacious landscape keyboard.

Thumbnail view

Turn your iPhone on its side when in Notes View to launch thumbnails. This side-scrolling view is great for quickly scanning through your notes. Tap on a note to access it, or hold your finger on a note to get a quick zoom.

Sort your favorites

Evernote for iPhone now lets you change the order of your favorites. Go to Favorites, tap Edit, then press on the three horizontal lines on the right side of the note. When you do this, the note pops out, letting you move it to any position you like.

Embedded browser

There’s now an embedded browser within the app. Whenever you click on a link in a note, the browser will launch right inside of Evernote. This makes viewing web pages, and returning to your notes when you’re done, a whole lot faster and easier.

The people at Evernote also claim they've gotten their hands on iPhone OS 3.0 and are quite taken by it. “We have lots of ideas for ways to take full advantage of all the new capabilities,” the Evernote team says.

Evernote is available both in free and premium form. However, to keep supporting development of the free version, Evernote will be including ads soon. The premium version contains tons of extra stuff and, when free-Evernote begins to include ads, it will allow users to disable them.

Download Evernote (desktop version) for Mac (Free)

Download Evernote for iPhone via iTunes App Store (Free)

Photo Gallery (2 Images)

Evernote 2.0 landscape view example
Evernote 2.0 thumbs example
Open gallery