The team is also working on Next and on Landmark for the franchise

Jan 22, 2014 22:51 GMT  ·  By

The team working on EverQuest and EverQuest 2 at Sony Online Entertainment says that playters will have plenty to enjoy in the coming months even as attention shifts to the new Next installment in the series.

Call of the Forsaken: Hate Rising is the most recent update and it will include a complex layer of new storylines and missions for gamers to explore, according to Massively.

Heroic Adventures can now be scaled down to level 85 and SOE also plans to launch new collections, achievements and more quests during February.

Content for March in EverQuest will include celebrations for 15 years since the MMO went live and an opportunity to try out a number of new combinations of races and classes that the community and the development team are collaborating on.

The game will also offer access for level 85 Heroic Character and a new Planes of Power zone will be introduced.

Those who like EverQuest 2 will be able to play through a new raid, a heroic contested zone in the Kingdom of the Sky and there are also three dungeons that can be explored at will.

The Player versus Player area of the MMO will be improved with the addition of the Warzone on the Nagafan server and SOE also promises that prestige homes will be added as rewards.

The developers are also promising improvements to character progressions and more changes to game balance.

The fact that the two older MMOs are getting as much support is surprising given that Sony Online Entertainment is investing heavily in the development of EverQuest Next and its Landmark companion.

The two products are set to be launched at some point in 2014 and are designed to fundamentally change the core concepts that power the MMO genre. introducing more player choices and encouraging the community to create game content.