The grand strategy title is also getting patch 1.11

Mar 6, 2015 16:30 GMT  ·  By

The team at Paradox Development Studios is announcing that it will celebrate the coming International Women's Day on March 8 by launching an entirely new piece of free downloadable content for Europa Universalis V, called Women in History.

The official announcement explains that the DLC is created to highlight how important women were during the course of history.

Gamers will be able to experience Europa Universalis IV with 100 new women integrated as characters, which will be generated using a range of new events.

Once they appear, gamers can choose whether they want to make them simple advisors or if they will be entrusted with even more responsibility as rulers or leaders in war.

Among the included new characters that will be part of the DLC are Queen Elizabeth I, Caterina Sforza and Sophie Germain, and there are also 22 portraits for all female advisors.

Thomas Johansson, leader of the Paradox Development Studio, is quoted as saying, "It's no surprise that the role of women in history isn't as well known as that of men. “Europa Universalis, admittedly, hasn't done a lot to foreground their contributions. We thought that International Women's Day was the best time to do a little bit to help balance the scales and introduce our audience to some very interesting people."

Europa Universalis IV is also getting patch 1.11

The development team is also delivering a new patch for the grand strategy title, the first since the El Dorado expansion was launched, after a hotfix has already been deployed for the title.

All the change notes can be seen by clicking on the button at the end of the article.

The highlights of patch 1.11 for Europa Universalis IV include some tweaks to make the impressive Nation Designer feature even more interesting and better able to deliver countries that stand a chance in the long term.

There are also tweaks to elements ranging from the way the AI operates to religion, diplomacy and modding.

The recent El Dorado expansion for EU IV is designed to introduce more variety to gamers who are looking to engage with South and Central American nations, which have new religions to work with and need to make sure they are carefully working with a new Doom mechanic.

EU IV = Patch 1.11 Changes

Europa Universalis IV Images (9 Images)

Europa Universalis IV celebrates Women's Day
Choices in Europa Universalis IVEuropa Universalis IV decisions