Ninja Theory confirms that low sales mean a sequel isn't being made

Sep 26, 2011 08:00 GMT  ·  By

Enslaved: Odyssey to the West, the great third person action adventure title from developer Ninja Theory and publisher Namco Bandai that came out last year won't be getting a sequel, according to the UK-based studio due to low sales.

Enslaved was one of the most surprising titles of the end of last year, managing to deliver a great action adventure experience with memorable characters, lush environments and detailed animations courtesy of famous Hollywood actor Andy Serkis.

Sadly, being released in the midst of the traditionally busy period before the winter holidays meant the new intellectual property had to fight it out against bigger and more established franchises, including Assassin’s Creed, Call of Duty or Fallout.

Now, it seems that it hasn't reached the success Ninja Theory had hoped, as the studio's co-founder Tameem Antoniades, has admitted that a sequel isn't being made for the property.

Speaking with Edge magazine, via CVG, the Ninja Theory executive confirmed that the poor financial results didn't allow for the studio to expand its team.

"Enslaved should have done better," he said. "Right now we should have been doing a sequel and perfecting that sequel and doing what franchises do, which is get better over time. [But] because that didn't happen we've not expanded to two teams like we intended to. So we've remained a smaller shop. But now we get another chance with DMC."

Namco Bandai revealed earlier this year that Enslaved sold around 730,000 copies since its release in 2010, hinting that a sequel might still appear.

Now, it seems that an Enslaved 2 won't be released, at least anytime soon, especially since Ninja Theory is now all hands on deck for the upcoming Devil May Cry reboot, DmC, set to be published by Capcom, the owner of the hack and slash series, next year on consoles like the PlayStation 3 or Xbox 360.