With the Sligthest Touch electronic sexual aid

Mar 4, 2007 07:11 GMT  ·  By

Could you have ever imagined that the road to pleasing a woman has a pit-stop in her ankle area? Well, neither did I, but according to the people over at Stimulations Systems, the fastest way to take a woman to the pre-orgasmic plateau and hold her there for as long as desired involves the use of their little device, called "Slightest Touch", which stimulates the necessary nervous endings by employing the power of electricity.

This very electro-erotic device consists of 2 pads (which are strapped to the user's ankles), and a control and power box, which is used for establishing the exact power output and thus the level of stimulation the user decides to enjoy. According to the company's statement, the Slightest Touch provides a set of gentle pulsating frequencies that a woman can just lightly feel. These frequencies are similar to the electrical signals the body uses to communicate sexual arousal to a woman's pelvic region, but since they're artificially induced, the recommended duration of a session is 45 minutes or less.

The manufacturers go on to say that the Slightest Touch is capable of providing its users with extreme sensations, since the device is capable of generating a higher state of sexual arousal than the one achieved in the classical manner. Moreover, this thing could prove to be quite useful as some sort of technological "couple's therapy" device, since it can solve one of those problems most women and men really hate, the arousal gap, when the two partners experience different levels of arousal and are thus unable to fully enjoy their sexual contact.

The "Slightest Touch" is not exactly a new thing, since it has been released a few years ago, and is available for around 100 US dollars, quite a small price for some pretty extreme sexual experiences.

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The Slightest Touch device
The pads applied to the user's ankles
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