The efficiency of the upcoming power supplies reaches 92%

Dec 16, 2009 10:39 GMT  ·  By

80 Plus certifications is the current standard against which all new power supplies are compared. Of course, the standard is divided into segments, namely Bronze, Silver and Gold, according to the PSU’s level of compliance with the standard itself. The 87+ products from Enermax will become the successors to the already successful line of 85 PSU series and all of the PSUs have a high level of efficiency (over 90 percent) that has already earned them 87+ Gold certification.

Although real details will only become available when the products actually start selling, Enermax has made the models public along with their respective capacities, namely 500W, 600W, 700W and 800W. One thing is common to all models: they will be among the top most efficient power supplies on the market when they do make it to the shelves.

Among the upcoming products are the EMG500AWT (91.33% efficient), EMG600AWT ATX12V (91.17%), EMG700AWT (91.57%), EPG450AWT (90.74%), EPG500AWT (91.18%), EPG550AWT (91.20%), EPG600AWT (91.21%), EPG650AWT (91.29%) and EPG700AWT (91.25%). As already mentioned, Enermax will also be releasing 800W PSUs for more performance-heavy systems and will likely continue to be a strong presence on the IT market for power solutions.

The company's products are capable of achieving the high 92% efficiency through use of the DHT design. This Dynamic Hybrid Transformer adopts dynamic frequencies, voltages and conversion instead of static ones, not only enabling said efficiency but also improving stability and performance without any downsides. Until the invention of this technology, the 87+ standard was the maximum achievable when focusing only on optimizations to the DC stage. The DHT may still allow for standards higher than 87+ to be reached.

More details on the products and the DHT technology will become available by the end of this year. Pricing and availability details are expected to be disclosed at the same time.