In a new interview with Interview magazine

Apr 23, 2009 12:21 GMT  ·  By
Emma Watson was made for the part of Hermione in “Harry Potter,” she says
   Emma Watson was made for the part of Hermione in “Harry Potter,” she says

Emma Watson has proved countless times that she is more grown up and, some say, wiser than most celebrities her age. As a matter of fact, she could even serve as a model for stars older than her, and her latest interview with Interview magazine could be used as illustration for that.

It’s clear that Emma is no longer the shy girl that fans got to know in the first “Harry Potter” film, having grown up into a beautiful young lady who is not afraid of speaking her mind but who, at the same time, is still working on her personal style and set of beliefs. The latest issue of the mag brings not only a breathtaking photo spread starring the gorgeous Emma, but also an insight into her life as a major movie star.

Among the topics up for discussion is also why she wanted to play Hermione so badly in the “Harry Potter” films. “I loved the books – I was a massive fan. I just felt like that part belonged to me. I know that sounds crazy, but from that first audition, I always knew. At the beginning, they were casting the other characters as well – but I always knew I was going out for Hermione... Of course, all this terrified my parents – there were literally thousands and thousands of girls going out for the audition, and my parents were anxious about what I would do if I didn’t get it.” the actress tells Interview.

Eventually, she got the part and it has helped her become one of the most popular and loved actresses of her age. As regards her comments about not being sure whether she would still pursue an acting career once she was done with “Harry Potter,” Emma is now saying that she, just like any other girl or person out there, should be allowed to change her mind, especially since she said those words back when she still hadn’t fully taken in what was happening to her.

“[At] the moment, there are so many people who want to be famous, so how could I not want this? Or, how could I not want to keep it forever? But I guess I just want to be sure it’s what I want. I was so young, and I don’t think I really knew the greatness of what I was signing on for...” Watson says of the comments that made headlines all over the world a while back.

For the full interview with Interview magazine, as well as more photos of the beautiful British star, please see here.