Talk-show host says being a vegan keeps her in such good shape

Apr 14, 2010 18:31 GMT  ·  By

The latest issue of Shape magazine brings an interview with one of America’s favorite girl-next-door type of female stars. Nevertheless, though she’s loved – and watched and appreciated – by millions, at first glance, Ellen DeGeneres is as far as it gets from a “sweetheart:” she’s married to a woman, is past her “prime” and wouldn’t be caught dead on high heels.

The secret to her wonderful and captivating personality, therefore to her massive appeal, is to be found in her motto of always staying true to herself. Still, working two full-time jobs and having a busy family life could take a toll on her, but there isn’t even a faint trace of exhaustion on her face. At 52, Ellen looks better and has more energy than many women half her age and that’s partly because of her diet: DeGeneres is a convinced vegan.

She wasn’t always like that, of course. Yet, one day, she got more acquainted with what went on in slaughterhouses and this, combined with her deep love for animals, she suddenly decided to banish meat from her menu. Right now, she’s also on a sugar ban, as she’s trying to get in the best shape possible and had to rule out sweets and all types of sugary treats. “But she can also talk earnestly and at length about how to ‘breathe into’ your problems, or about how the suffering in slaughterhouses and her love for animals prompted her to give up meat,” Shape writes after speaking to Ellen.

“At age 52, when Hollywood is over and done with the majority of its sweethearts, Ellen is hip, hot, and healthy. With a vegan diet, a dedication to yoga, a vocabulary salted with self-help buzzwords, and, lest we forget, a wife instead of a husband, Ellen embodies the modern version of everyone’s neighbor and friend. […] At the moment, Ellen’s in search of an energy boost and has embarked on a ‘sugar fast’ that has her going without refined or processed foods. ‘No cake, no cookies, no candy,’ she says. […] If Ellen had a mantra, it would be ‘Stay true to yourself’,” the publication further says.

In the same piece, the television personality, who’s also the newest judge on American Idol, having officially replaced Paula Abdul, talks about her dreams when coming to Hollywood, when she’d still delude herself with ideas that people would love her if she’d become very famous. Throughout the years, Ellen has come to know that nothing can be as good as we’d want it – but that’s not to say we have to stop trying.