Smart encourages the victims, tells them that they need time to heal

May 8, 2013 13:55 GMT  ·  By

Kidnapping victim Elizabeth Smart is possibly one woman who can relate to what three women found in Cleveland must be feeling.

Michelle Knight, Amanda Berry and Gina DeJesus spent a decade in captivity, while Smart was taken away as a child by a street preacher.

In 2002, when she was just 14 years old, she was forced to drink, use drugs and she was raped by polygamous Brian David Mitchell. According to the LA Times, she described the ordeal as “nine months of hell.”

Elizabeth has noted that they will be needing time to heal, but that they will be able to make their dreams come true.

Her father, Ed Smart has also told the victims’ parents that they will not be able to get back to normal again, but that a new kind of normal awaits.