Consisting of the game and a bag

Sep 26, 2008 06:25 GMT  ·  By

Well after yesterday's Dead Space collector's edition you would think that Electronic Arts would take into consideration some more reasonable pricing, or at least offer something with a lot more value. Well guess what? We were seriously wrong. After 150 dollars' worth of DVDs and artwork offered with Dead Space, EA has launched a collector's edition for their upcoming game Mirror's Edge, and for only 130 dollars you get a copy of the game and a bag.

But not just any bag – it's the one used by the main character of the game, Faith. Made by Timbuk2, the bag will serve to carry around your precious stuff, much like the game, except that you won't be followed around by men with guns or other bad guys. You really have to hand it to EA – it sure knows how to create hype around the game; but paying 80 dollars extra, only for a bag, is a bit too much.

For those of you who don't know, Mirror's Edge is a game about free running. The main character, named Faith, executes a variation of what parkour practitioners are doing today in the big cities. Her aim is to get from point A to point B as fast as she can and as undetected as she can. To achieve this objective, she'll leap from building to building, she'll break through doors and sometimes free fall a couple hundred floors. Momentum is her one big ally, slowing down is the biggest enemy she has.

The game is set in the not-too-distant future, which, as almost all futures, is dystopian, too. Massive corporations have acquired the rights to supervise people, and now, anything you transmit by electronic means can be traced and used by them. The "underworld" of this future has renounced all forms of electronic communications and is now relying only on "runners," people like Faith, who can get communication out quickly and undetected.