The time-warping assassin is an interesting addition to Riot Games' multiplayer online battle arena game

May 14, 2015 11:58 GMT  ·  By

Riot Games has revealed the next Champion to hit the Fields of Justice, in the form of Ekko, a time-traveling assassin.

The new playable character will be initially added to the Public Beta Environment, the severs Riot uses in order to gauge the impact of various changes coming to the most popular multiplayer online battle arena game in the world.

Although Ekko is an assassin, he's designed for drawn-out battles, rather than quick scuffles. He is also an interesting character to play due to the fact that being successful on the battlefield requires that you predict what is going to happen, instead of merely reacting to what your enemies are doing.

If you know the game well enough to be able to correctly tell what will happen in the very near future, you'll be able to capitalize on your knowledge. This design around risky gambles makes him an exciting character to play.

He has good mobility and crowd control skills, and if things start heading south, he can always rewind time and try again.

Time altering skills

His passive ability, Z-Drive Resonance, enables him to build up resonance with magical attacks, offering him bonus damage, a movement speed buff, and inflicting a slow upon enemies with every third consecutive attack.

Timewinder is an attack that launches a device at Ekko's enemies, slowing them down, and then returning to him and damaging all enemies hit. This enables you to slow one group of enemies, then move across the battlefield in order to damage the enemies you intended to engage in the first place.

Parallel Convergence passively deals bonus damage to low health enemies, but upon activation, it can also open a rift in time, summoning a copy of Ekko who throws a device to a target location, slowing enemies after e brief delay.

If the real Ekko enters the slow sphere, it detonates, stunning all enemies caught within the blast and offering him a small shield.

His penultimate ability, Phase Dive, lets him dash toward a target area. Once the dash is ended, Ekko gains increased range on his next attack, blinking to his target, dealing damage and applying on-hit and spell effects.

His ultimate, Chronobreak, allows him to rewind time, turning untargetable and invulnerable for a short period of time, and then reappearing to his position from several seconds ago, recovering a portion of the health lost over those seconds, and dealing a ton of damage to nearby enemies.

If you want to learn more about Ekko and how to best use him, you can check out the detailed guide on the League of Legends website. You can also see him in action in the video below.