Developer boss tells all

Apr 11, 2008 20:16 GMT  ·  By

Wei-Yao Lu is the head of the Fuzzyeyes studio that's developing Edge of Twilight and he recently released some details regarding the world of the game he describes as being a clean cut Steam punk fantasy.

While talking to Eurogamer, he described a world split into two very distinct factions. On one side, there is an industrial oriented society that relies on technology and specialized machinery to accomplish everything, and on the other side we have a spiritual inclined society that's relying on something akin to magic. The main protagonist of the game will be one of the few half-breeds in the world, shunned by both factions and forced to live a life on the fringe.

The player will be able to shift his stance from one side to the other. Wei-Yao Lu says: "As the day persona, reflecting the industrial race, you're strong and forceful with the ability to operate machinery, break the scenery and bludgeon enemies in a manner that's less than graceful. As the night persona you represent the spiritual race and your movement is much more swift and agile, opening up new areas to explore, and your fighting style also reflects this".

Most of the challenges in the game, from the puzzles to the fighting sequences, will be signed in such a way as to force the player to make judicious use of both the light and the dark side of the characters. The quest will be created around a main plot line, but with an option for side-quest exploration that makes a side quest possible to become part of the main narrative, if the player explores it in enough detail.

Speaking of the influences on Edge of Twilight, the developer said: "Personally, I would say that gameplay-wise we'd be the love child of ICO, Soul Reaver and God of War. But as far as the art direction goes I really can't think of anything similar".

The game is scheduled to be released next year for the PC, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360. Look out for more details in the meantime.