Fix the water leaks, shower and snatch your weeds

Nov 3, 2011 12:17 GMT  ·  By
Experts say we can start saving money we spend on water in our own bathroom.
   Experts say we can start saving money we spend on water in our own bathroom.

In a society dominated by consumerism, nothing is free anymore, not even a drop of water. Therefore, many house owners think about adopting a more eco-friendly and cost-effective attitude. Experts say we can start saving the money we spend on water in our own bathrooms.

Consider showering instead of taking long, hot baths which make you waste tonnes of water every year. We often fill our bathtubs with water that goes down the drain five minutes after we finished the entire process. When a bath seems necessary, make sure you fill your tub only half way.

Monitor your water system at least once a week, to make sure that leaks will not be responsible for the amount of money you might pay extra every month.

For those who enjoy gardening, weeds are their most powerful enemy, since they consume a lot of water which was not destined to reach their roots in the first place.

Once you started to enjoy your daily cost-effective shower, check your showerheads to see if there are functioning properly. Go green while investing a few dollars in a low flow shower head that will preserve your budget.

Try to always think if you can reuse your resources. A glass of water you forgot on the table might turn out to be a great stimulant for your plants.