Create your custom search engine and earn money with AdSense

Nov 30, 2006 09:15 GMT  ·  By

AdSense is one of the most popular services from Google, because it helps people earn money just with a simple ad placed on their websites. Related to AdSense, Custom Search Engine is another innovative product provided by Google that also brings money after users have placed a search engine on their webpages.

So, what's the relation between these two products? Well, Google said that if you link your Custom Search Engine to your AdSense for Search account, you can boost your earnings with ease.

"We've heard it time and time again: as publishers, you want to give your users a relevant search experience on your websites. You want the power of Google search, and you want to make it your own. And then, of course, you want to make money from this search engine, not spend time and money building it. Well, here's news you can use -- now you can do all this with Google's Custom Search Engine (CSE).

With CSE, you can create a highly customized and (free) tailored search experience for your users that reflects your knowledge and expertise. You place this search engine on your site and, if you've got an AdSense for search account, you can link your CSE to it and make money from the resulting traffic.

In a few simple steps you can create a CSE that looks and feels like your own, prioritizes or restricts content based on what you specify, as well as open your search engine index to trusted members of your community so they can contribute to its comprehensiveness and relevance," Jennifer Hyman - CSE Product Marketing Manager said on the official blog.

Some time ago, Softpedia tested Custom Search Engine provided by Google and concluded that the service is very useful and easy to use. You can view the article here.