If the giants manage to acquire Take Two, they might release the game closer to Christmas

Apr 7, 2008 08:52 GMT  ·  By

No, just don't grab the rotten tomatoes yet, this is still far away from happening - a big "if" is involved here. Still, it's a really, really scary "if": according to Michael Pachter, the worldwide known game analyst, Electronic Arts could delay GTA IV's April 29 release IF they manage to acquire Take Two. Still, if they manage to do that and delay the most anticipated game of 2008, the first gamers' revolution might become a reality. History in the making and nothing else!

Back to our story... According to joystiq.com, Michael Pachter said that GTA IV would be delayed by EA because the giants just love making more money - this means that Rockstar's title would be pushed to a date closer to the craziness surrounding the holiday sales. Of course, Pachter says that even Take Two would've done so if their financial position wouldn't have been that bad. According to him, "Take-Two, financially, has to get that game out ... they need the money. They need to get it out." And we need the game more than anything else. Sounds fair to me.

So, here it is, a new reason for those who already hate Electronic Arts to hate them even more: they could delay Grand Theft Auto. Of course, as you can see for yourself, there is no reason to panic. EA doesn't seem to have what it takes to acquire Take Two in time to delay their main title and I really doubt they would do it, having in mind all the hype that's surrounding it at the moment. There are already voices who claim that if Grand Theft Auto gets delayed again, they will never buy it and, if we are to believe they say the truth, this would be a loss. And neither Take Two, nor Electronic Arts wants to lose fans and money.