Powered by Seiko Epson

Nov 19, 2007 09:31 GMT  ·  By

This might actually be the end of the conventional book reading with more and more e-book readers popping out on the market every day. And yet, things are rapidly changing, as Seiko Epson today introduced a new electronic paper display that may significantly improve the quality of eBook readers.

The makers have come out with a revolutionary 6.7-inch screen, capable of producing the same 1600 x 1200 resolution as a 20-inch desktop LCD, as this baby provides you a sharper picture than current readers do, not to mention the clarity improvement of photos slide shows and other images in other types of documents. Just imagine there are infinite ways of using this type of display, as in advertising, where electronic posters and similar advertisements in shops and stores have already been demonstrated.

According to electronista, Seiko representatives said that this new development is also thinner and more power-efficient than today's readers at 3mm thick, it can still last for as many as 1.400 page turns on a standard watch battery. How cool is that? But, the best thing of all is that this electronic paper is going to provide the accurate text display in clear day. I just cannot stop thinking about the great importance this could have as electronic reading means less forest slaughtering.

The weirdest thing of all is that Seiko Epson is not known for making respectful eBook readers, but cool wristwatches, therefore it may actually sell the production display to other companies manufacturing their own e-readers. So, a completed device using the screen is expected within coming months. We don't know yet whether it's about a famous brand or an underground Chinese maker. We shall see about that!

However, this is definitely the beginning of the new paper era!