Another sequel, another Romance of the Three Kingdoms-based game

Feb 21, 2008 09:41 GMT  ·  By

Dynasty Warriors 6, the newest iteration in Koei's series, is now available in the States for their gaming consoles. Xbox 360s and PlayStation 3s, if you had any doubts. The game is being distributed via websites such as and shop retailers.

With this new title in a franchise that sold a combined 15 million units worldwide, Koei tries to re-invent the tactical action experience especially for the next-gen consoles and, judging from the released screenshots, they don't manage to do a very good job, at least from a visual point of view. Oh, well... nobody's perfect.

The game is set in Ancient China, sometime during the 3rd century and it comes with brand new characters who use brand new weapons and kung-fu techniques - all of them as a brand new motion-capture from some stuntmen and women in Asia. In this type of games you all know that combos are some of the most important and fun processes, so Dynasty Warriors 6 tries to bring a brand new attack system called Renbu, that allows players to execute their combos with ease. What else can I say? Brand new!

The enemies promise to bring a really adaptable (I promise I won't say "brand new" anymore - I'll let you fill in the blanks) AI that can quickly change its attitude from offensive to defensive and it will send patrol dogs and boats and everything they can in their quest to stop you and save their (sorry) arses. And everything will happen, according to Koei, in high definition, at 60 frames per second.

Dynasty Warriors 6 is based on the novel that brought all the success to Koei - Romance of the Three Kingdoms - and that is starting to compete against the World War II inspired games. In the sixth iteration, we will take part in the massive battles ignited by the fall of the Han Dynasty when three rebellious states moved to overthrow the Emperor of China. Oh, yeah, this is brand new!