The title will use familiar mechanics to create a new experience

Nov 25, 2013 09:46 GMT  ·  By

Tymon Smektala, a producer working on the upcoming Dying Light, says that the project should not be judged based on comparison with titles that have already been launched because it offers an entirely new experience.

He tells Ausgamers that, “I think it’s a lazy thing to say. If you look at the game, it has zombies in it and it’s melee-based, so it is Dead Island, then you look at it again and see that the motion has that free-running aspect to it, so it is Mirror’s Edge.”

He says that comparisons are a good way of quickly telling a player what a game can offer, but anyone interested in the title should seek more information and understand the unique nature of Dying Light.

Smektala adds, “With the current demo of Dying Light, and how the whole game plays right now you’re really not limited. You can think of any way to get around the environment and you can use that way, if it looks like it’s realistic for you to go there.”

The game is built around horror mechanics, with the development team at Techland trying to create scary sequences that do not rely on a linear approach to the game world.

Players will be able to move around using any patch they like and the game will adapt and spawn enemies and situations based on their playing profile, creating an entirely new experience every time the game is launched.

During the day cycle of the game, players are able to move around the world at will, trying to find the weapons and the resources they need to survive the coming night, when the undead assault their positions.

Dying Light is at the moment set to be launched on the PC, the Xbox One from Microsoft, the PlayStation 4 from Sony and current-generation devices.