Techland doesn't want to compromise and will deliver a great zombie game

May 9, 2014 23:23 GMT  ·  By

Techland has confirmed that it needs more time to work on its upcoming Dying Light open world zombie game, and has taken the decision to delay it until February of 2015 in order to make sure that it delivers a great title.

Dying Light was confirmed last year as a brand new zombie experience coming from Techland, the Polish studio behind franchises like Dead Island or Call of Juarez.

The title received some impressive videos in recent months and everything looked set for a release this fall. However, after hearing a report some time ago about a possible delay, Techland has confirmed that it needs more time to work on the new open world action game.

"When we started the development of Dying Light, we were committed to innovation. We wanted to give you a freedom of movement unprecedented in open world games. After many improvements and months of hard work, we have now come so close to realizing our initial vision we feel we cannot stop before it is ready," the studio said.

In order to make sure that the game and its mechanics work well, the studio has decided to spend more time and ensure a high degree of quality.

"We believe the Natural Movement element of our game will change what you expect from the genre, and we don’t want to sacrifice any of its potential by releasing too early. This quality-focused thinking underlines all our development choices and we hope you share our belief that the gameplay must always come first."

The February, 2015 release period also ensures that Techland isn't forced to make compromises or tradeoffs when it comes to bringing Dying Light on all of its intended platforms, i.e. PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One.

"The new date ensures that we can fully realize our vision of an innovative open world game. We won’t need to make compromises or trade-offs on any of the five platforms we’re working on. For you, it means an outstanding, original game that makes the wait more than worthwhile."

The studio also thanked publisher Warner Bros. for its understanding and promised that fans are going to enjoy a new look at Dying Light and its major features at E3 2014 next month, as it will present plenty of fresh footage and details about the open world zombie experience.

The February, 2015 release period also puts Dying Light against another major Polish title, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt, so it's going to be interesting to see how it shapes up.