“Are you in town,” “Nah mate I'm home now” goes the brilliant conversation 19-year-old Marcus Gray had with himself

Feb 3, 2015 15:17 GMT  ·  By

Except for those who are tea-totallers, all those who don't shy away from the occasional glass of wine or shot of tequila are all too familiar with the fact that alcohol can make even the brightest of the bunch look like fools.

Take 19-year-old Marcus Gray for example. Until alcohol got the best of him, he had no trouble processing external cues and telling the difference between which text messages he absolutely had to reply to and which he could ignore.

However, it was this past January 31 that, after consuming one too many alcohol beverages, the 19-year-old from Oxford, UK, ended up replying to one of his own texts.

“Are you in town,” Marcus Gray asks in a message that was intended for one of his friends. “Nah mate I'm home now,” he answers not long after, believing that the first message was meant for him.

Rather than keep this embarrassing conversation between himself and his phone, the 19-year-old first showed it to some of his friends and then decided to share it with the world via Twitter.

The 19-year-old's post has since gone viral. Thus, it has been retweeted and favorited tens of thousands of times. One can only hope that, the next time he gets drunk, Marcus Gray will pay closer attention to whom he's texting.