Don't drink and drive pranks take a whole new level when mad friends are involved

Dec 10, 2013 11:53 GMT  ·  By

The man, who allegedly already had five DUIs, was pranked into believing he was in coma for the last 10 years. After passing out drunk, the guy was put into an empty office space transformed into a hospital room with nurses, doctors and all.

The confused patient finds out that after drinking and driving, he was in an accident that caused a long-term coma. While waiting for his family, the man watches the news transmitting all kinds of hilarious facts concerning Miley Cyrus, Justin Bieber and Hilary Clinton.

After a few moments, one of his friends comes in and starts asking him about the last things he recalled before the so-called coma. He uses the prank to tell him what he could lose if he continues acting so recklessly, before slapping him and sharing his anger.

I must admit the prank is well orchestrated with the hilarious news feed and all, and hopefully will serve as a wake-up call for the drunk driver that didn't only endanger his life but the lives of other people as well.