The game's Kickstarter was a success and there's less than two days left to join in

Apr 10, 2014 07:55 GMT  ·  By

Dragon Fin Soup is a zany-titled dungeon crawler in development at a small indie company that has turned to Kickstarter to fund their game.

The crowdfunding campaign was a success, and with less than two days to go, the team is pushing for yet another stretch goal, unlocking a new playable character called Morgiana. The goal also includes a new storyline, some new abilities and spells, as well as additional dungeons and monsters.

As such, developer Grimm Bros has decided to release a full twenty minutes of gameplay footage, allowing a longer look at how the upcoming game plays, complete with commentary. The footage comes from an alpha build of the game, which means that most of what you see will be improved in the final version.

Dragon Fin Soup is described as a roguelike / role-playing game hybrid, and the video does a pretty good job of showcasing the forthcoming game's depth and unique features.

The video explains various gameplay features and shows off the first quests in Dragon Fin Soup, also showing the game's world in full high definition, explaining a lot about the upcoming dungeon crawler, whose creators intend to blend classic Japanese role-playing game mechanics with a twisted and grim fairy tale setting.

The developers have mentioned that they intend to make more such videos in the future, to detail things such as Pet Familiars, parties with NPCs, Escort and Protect missions, as well as fishing, mining, Survival Mode, Overworld, Endless Labyrinth and more.

The team is also hosting a Reddit AMA this Thursday, April 10, at 12 noon EST, 9 AM PST and 5 PM BST.

The latest Kickstarter update also reveals the fact that, with another stretch goal met, the game's backers have unlocked the sheep as a pet in Dragon Fin Soup's final build. It's always nice to have a sheep accompanying you on your journeys, especially when you have a lot of downtime and can make a nice sweater for your granny.

The next stretch goal will mark the addition of the undead Skeleton Warriors as playable characters in Survival Mode and Endless Labyrinth.

Dragon Fin Soup is currently scheduled to come out later this year, for the PlayStation 3, PlayStation 4, PlayStation Vita and PC platforms.

The game will also be playable at the PAX East convention taking place this weekend, from April 11 through April 13, so if you're at the event, be sure to give it a try.