Gamers can use them to get access to interesting new rewards

Sep 15, 2014 21:22 GMT  ·  By

Video game developer BioWare has been offering more details about the war table which will be featured in the Skyhold player fortress, and gamers will be happy to know that the number of missions that they will be able to undertake using it is very high and opens up a number of new gameplay and story options.

On the official site, producer Cameron Lee states that "There's a range of types: scouting missions to establish the first camp in a new area you'd like to explore, building missions to raise structures in the areas you've being exploring, recruitment missions to bring expertise into the inquisition, treaties, resource-gathering, political assassinations, and many, many more."

The game maker also says that the choices offered will depend on the decisions that gamers made earlier in the story of Dragon Age: Inquisition, meaning that for a number of replays the events will be very different.

Risks are needed to gain interesting rewards

BioWare also says that not all Inquisition missions will be successful but that gamers will be able to accomplish some interesting goals and make the missions they personally deal with somewhat easier.

Cameron Lee adds, "You earn influence and power as you explore, overcome enemies, bring stability to regions, complete quests, and close rifts between the world and the Fade. You spend that influence and power at the war table when you send your agents on an operation or begin a new major story plot."

Dragon Age: Inquisition will offer gamers plenty of options to customize Skyhold and the three main advisers will be present there, allowing the player to get access to important information and advice about his course of action and about the potential risks.

Epic story, character driven

The new title from BioWare is designed to allow gamers a lot of freedom to explore the world and deal with quests, while focusing their attention on the rupture in the Veil which is allowing demons from the Fade to invade the world of the living.

Using the resources of the newly rebuilt Inquisition and a very interesting cast of characters, gamers will have to find how the phenomenon was started and what they can do in order to close it down for good and safeguard the world of men.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be out on November 18 and is playable on the PC, the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and last-gen consoles.

Dragon Age: Inquisition War Table Images (2 Images)

Dragon Age: Inquisition War Table
Dragon Age: Inquisition War Table
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