Gamers can decide how Origins and Dragon Age 2 affected the world of Thedas before the events of the new title

Nov 10, 2014 09:47 GMT  ·  By

The development teams at BioWare and Failbetter Games are ready to give players who are eagerly awaiting the launch of Dragon Age: Inquisition more details on the Keep, which will allow them to modify the state of the world and explore new options and choices for their characters.

The details come from a Twitch stream, with footage starting around the 3 minute mark, in which members of the team explain exactly how long-term fans of the franchise will be able to explore their past decisions and then see exactly how Thedas has been molded by the stories that they have explored in both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age 2.

There are plenty of questions coming from the community that are being answered by BioWare and Failbetter Games, and the developers also talk about the complexity of the game world and how they needed to explore all possible choices in order to make sure that no conflicts will appear when gamers actually launch Inquisition.

BioWare wants choices to carry weight

Since the first Dragon Age title was launched, the development team at BioWare has insisted that the world they are creating is drawing from traditional fantasy tropes, but they aim to put the decisions the gamer makes at the center of the narrative.

Depending on how gamers have dealt with the Blight and with the incidents in Kirkwall in the first two titles, the world of Thedas can look very different.

The Keep does not directly import saved games, but allows players to simply run through events and see what they have decided, with the app automatically highlighting conflicts.

Once they are satisfied with the state of the universe, players can then export it so that it is used for a Dragon Age: Inquisition campaign.

The Keep is a very interesting way of making sure that even those who have not played previous titles in the franchise will be able to get details about the stories, and it might even encourage newcomers to buy and get through Origins and Dragon Age 2 in the coming weeks so that they have a clearer picture about the franchise.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be launched on November 18 in North America and November 21 in Europe and can be played on the PC, the Xbox One from Microsoft, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, and last-gen consoles.

Look up for a full review of the game from Softpedia in the coming days.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Keep Images (5 Images)

Choices for Dragon Age: Inquisition
Decisions are importantWorld modification in the Dragon Age: Keep