The land of Orlais has a number of structures that can be conquered

Jan 6, 2014 12:58 GMT  ·  By

Video game BioWare announces that the new keep mechanic that’s being created for Dragon Age: Inquisition is designed to give players a wider variety of quests to deal with and a sense that they are actively changing the world of the role-playing experience.

In a preview from the Official PlayStation Magazine, the studio explains that early during the single-player story, gamers will get a chance to fight alongside the dwarf Varric, newcomer Vivienne and stern Cassandra in order to capture a fortification.

Once they complete the task, a number of quests will open up in the surrounding area and as gamers solve them, they will be able to upgrade their holdings and derive more benefits from their use.

A number of these keeps are scattered all over Orlais and gamers will be able to capture them all in order to give the widest possible variety of sidequests and advantages in the later stages of the game.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is designed to be more open than previous titles in the series and BioWare says that keeps are the best way to give gamers optional objectives that feel important and difficult to achieve.

Those who want to ignore them can do so, but they will get to experience less of the game.

The new Dragon Age title takes gamers to the land of Orlais where their main task will be to deal with a tear in the Fade, which is allowing demons to pour into the real world and cause chaos.

At the same time, the protagonist will have to find a clear way to deal with the Chantry, the main religious organization, the Templars, its main fighting force, and the Mages, who are no longer willing to be controlled.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be launched on the PC, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the Xbox One from Microsoft and current-gen consoles in the autumn of this year.