It's unclear what role they will play in the coming experience

May 15, 2014 22:15 GMT  ·  By

The development team at BioWare is delivering a new diary related to the upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition, which is designed to offer some insight into the lore associated with the Grey Wardens and the Darkspawn they are constantly battling.

The company quotes from Ferelden: Folklore and History, by Sister Petrine, a scholar of the Chantry, a series of details about the Blights and about the way a group of soldiers banded together in order to beat the first of them back and make sure that they never threatened humanity again.

BioWare states, "The Imperium once revered seven gods: Dumat, Zazikel, Toth, Andorhal, Razikale, Lusacan, and Urthemiel. Four have risen as Archdemons. The Grey Wardens have kept watch through the ages, well aware that peace is fleeting, and that their war continues until the last of the dragon-gods is gone."

The information contained in the new lore entry is known to long-term fans of the Dragon Age franchise, who have played as a Grey Warden in the first title in the series, but it will be interesting for all those who are only now getting acquainted with the game world.

The studio adds, "No one knows where the darkspawn come from. A dark mockery of men, in the darkest places they thrive, growing in numbers as a plague of locusts will. In raids, they will often take captives, dragging their victims alive into the Deep Roads, but most evidence suggests that these are eaten."

The developers have not said exactly what role the Darkspawn will play in Dragon Age: Inquisition and it will be interesting to see exactly how they are used.

The core story of the title will be focused on a tear that has been opened up in the Fade and it is currently allowing demons to pour into the world of men.

The protagonist is the only survivor of a terrible event and he needs to organize the resistance and find a solution to close it down for good.

At the same time, he will have to deal with the constant battles between the Templars, the Chantry and the Mages that have resulted from the conclusion of Dragon Age 2.

BioWare has said that both the Grey Warden Commander and Hawke will be present in the new title.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be launched on the PC, the Xbox One, the PlayStation 4 and current-gen consoles on October 7 this year.