Gamers will have to find a way to close it down for good

May 30, 2014 22:28 GMT  ·  By

The development team at BioWare is working hard to flesh out the world of the new Dragon Age: Inquisition long before its official launch date, and the most recent update explains the importance of the Veil, the barrier that separates the world of mortals from the Fade, and how it was breached in Orlais.

The information is taken from another in-game book, called The True Threat of Magic, on the official site, which was written by Seeker Alandra Vael, one of the most important figures in the hierarchy of the Chantry.

She explains that “What does it mean to pierce the Veil, that which separates our world from the realm of dreams and demons? For the average man and woman, it is a frightening thought to consider just how fragile this separation actually is. The Veil is not a physical curtain, not a structure limited to a particular place - it is everywhere.”

Until the events that are taking place in Orlais, the rifts in the Veil tended to be small, created by powerful demons to enter the world of the humans or by capable human magic users who sought to explore the supernatural space beyond it.

Alandra Vael hypothesizes that a major breach could be created by a catastrophic magical event that could weaken the entire Veil for a long period.

She adds, “Such a ‘breach’ would threaten our entire world, turning concerns about occasional demonic intrusion into a charming anecdote compared to the monsters we would then face. If there is anything to be done, any reason we should look at magic with fear, it is for that possibility more than any other.”

Dragon Age: Inquisition will ask the player to find a way of closing down the tear in the Veil while making sure that all the denizens of the Fade are banished from the human world.

The game world is based around Orlais and its surrounding, and the developers at BioWare have already said that they are creating a complex set of environments that will allow gamers to make decisions that could affect the entire world.

Most of the cast of characters will be new but some familiar faces from the first two titles in the series will also be included.

Dragon Age: Inquisition will be out on the PC, the PlayStation 4 from Sony, the Xbox One from Microsoft and current-gen consoles on October 7 of this year.