BioWare is still working on the performance of the game

Sep 25, 2014 07:39 GMT  ·  By

BioWare has talked a bit about the resolution and framerate of its upcoming Dragon Age: Inquisition role-playing game, confirming that, as of right now, it's still unsure how the game will perform in its final form on the PS4 or Xbox One.

Dragon Age: Inquisition is one of the biggest games of the fall, with BioWare putting in a lot of resources and manpower to get the role-playing game to deliver a great experience to the millions of its loyal fans.

The new RPG is set to deliver not just a story that sees players take on the role of the Inquisitor and try to save the world of Thedas, but also a cooperative multiplayer mode in which teams of up to four players venture forth for all sorts of rewards, while defeating waves of enemies.

Dragon Age: Inquisition hasn't nailed down its resolution or framerate

Of course, like with any multi-platform game, questions about the resolution and the framerate targeted by the title on consoles like the PS4 and Xbox One have surfaced, as many are eager to see how the game performs and what platform gets the definitive version.

Unfortunately for them, not even BioWare is sure of the game's performance right now, at least according to Producer Cameron Lee, who has talked with PSLS about Inquisition and how it's still just entering the final stretches of its development.

"I’ll give you a roundabout answer, which basically means I can’t answer it, but the truth is that although we are only a few weeks away from starting to put our first candidates up for certification, we still don’t really know where we’re going to land and that’s true across all platforms, really," he explains.

These performance figures are still being improved to reach BioWare's standards

According to Lee, the whole team is still working on the game to improve its performance and reach the highest standards possible on the two platforms.

"Everything from the resolution to the frames and all that sort of stuff, you just work on that all the way until the very end. But we will certainly be aiming for as absolute high as the PlayStation can go in terms of resolution, at least that. So we’ll see where we go."

As such, players should anticipate a great-performing role-playing game when Inquisition debuts across the PC, PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, and Xbox One platforms. You can bet that BioWare will confirm the title's actual performance figures once it knows for sure how the final version handles on the consoles.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Screenshots (5 Images)

Inquisition is coming this November
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