Servis disappears or floats into the air, apparently

Dec 3, 2014 09:11 GMT  ·  By

Dragon Age: Inquisition is plagued by a particularly nasty glitch relating to one specific quest called Trouble with Darkspawn, as apparently right at the end of the mission, one key enemy disappears or doesn't even appear in the first place.

Dragon Age: Inquisition has been around for a few weeks already and millions of role-playing game fans are having a great time exploring the world of Thedas and bringing justice to it as the leader of the actual Inquisition.

While most quests and missions work quite smoothly and offer great rewards for players, it seems that a particular one is affected by a nasty glitch.

More specifically, according to the BioWare forums, the quest Trouble with Darkspawn that takes place in the Western Approach territory is glitched right at the end, when players need to find a Venatori agent called Servis.

Servis disappears before being able to continue the quest

The correct flow of events sees players take on Servis and his Venatori henchmen and then talk to the character as he lays dying on the ground. Unfortunately for quite a lot of players, Servis can actually die before being available for dialog and completely disappears, without allowing them to progress further.

"Got through the quest to the point where it says to track down Servis in the western approach, so it takes me to Echoback Fort, there was 4 enemies, 2 archers, 1 Bruiser and a mage with just a staff in armor and a full helmet (which I'm guessing was Servis cause he was talking like a minor boss) which I killed," one user complains. "Now the quest won't continue, just keeps saying to go to the fort and when I go somewhere else and come back they all spawn except for the mage. Anyone else having a problem getting past this point?"

Other users report that Servis, once downed, proceeds to start floating in the air and promptly disappears from the map.

The only solution so far is to reload a previous save game

The only solution found so far has users reload a previous save game and once again try to reach the fort and defeat Servis. Unfortunately for those who have already overwritten the save game or proceeded to do other quests and aren't willing to go back, there's no solution in sight.

BioWare has yet to acknowledge the issue, so it's unclear if a future patch will remedy the broken quest.

We’ve also encountered this issue on the PC, as Servis completely disappeared after being killed. Have you also experienced this problem in Dragon Age: Inquisition? Share your thoughts below.

Dragon Age: Inquisition Screenshots (6 Images)

Trouble with Darkspawn mission is glitched
Fight monstersFight in the Western Approach