Mar 18, 2011 14:15 GMT  ·  By

Dragon Age 2 does quite a few things right, including making the mage class fun or giving interesting stories to the companions, but also makes a few mistakes, including the under-developed Qunari or, as we're going to talk today, the failed connections to Dragon Age: Origins, its predecessor.

When fans of the original title heard that Dragon Age 2 would focus on a new main character, Hawke, who will become champion of Kirkwall, they feared that all of their actions and choices from the first game would be for nothing.

BioWare quickly defused the situation, saying that you can import a save game from Origins and lots of choices will be shown in the game world, just like it did with Mass Effect 2, who seamlessly continued the saga of Commander Shephard.

When I first started the game, I imported my save and immediately started wondering just what choices will impact my Dragon Age 2 experience and what sort things will be modified because of my Origins story.

Sadly, not a lot of things were changed, as this second game, except for a few small quests here and there, largely forgets about the epic adventures from Origins and its expansion, Awakening.

Depending on what outcomes you chose in the aforementioned games, you'll only get a handful of special quests and just hear about some of the events in fragments of conversation from various non-playable characters on the streets of Kirkwall.

I understand that Hawke's adventures are different than the ones of the Grey Warden from the first game, but it would have been nicer to see the epic quests from the original acknowledged through more direct references.

I still hope that we may get to witness these things, alongside other areas of the game, developed in a future add-on or expansion because it would be extremely interesting to see how Kirkwall will stand against some of the events in Ferelden, the land where Origins takes place.

What do you think? Is Dragon Age 2 doing a proper job of acknowledging the adventures from Origins or did BioWare need to add a few more quests related to the first game?