New update available for players of WoW

Feb 3, 2010 13:09 GMT  ·  By

As expected, Blizzard Entertainment has issued a new client patch for players of its popular massively multiplayer online role-playing-game (MMORPG), World of Warcraft. As usual, Dungeons & Raids receive enhancements and tweaks, as does PvP, and a number of classes (Druids, Shamans, Warlocks, Warriors). Technical support is also improved.

Going deeper into the patch notes, gamers also find out that WoW’s UI has undergone a few changes as well. For example, the party leader is now referred to as Guide in chat when a group is formed via the Dungeon Finder. Two graphical bugs are addressed: one where players with Raid Assist capabilities were unable to perform a Ready Check, and one where the first couple of tutorials were not displaying upon logging into the game.

Items are receiving a lot of attention as well, with new strength-based melee DPS rings now being available from representatives of the Ashen Verdict. The rest of the changes are listed as follows: Tier-9 Sets: The Aspirant vendors at the Argent Tournament grounds have worked out a deal with merchants in Dalaran so that all item level 232 set pieces will now be available on armor vendors in the city. Set pieces which require trophies will still be available for purchase only from vendors at the Argent Tournament grounds. Tier-10 Balance Druid 4-Piece Bonus: Fixed a bug to allow for this bonus to properly trigger. Tier-10 Elemental Shaman 4-Piece Set Bonus: Redesigned. Successful Lava Burst casts now increase the duration of Flame Shock on the target by 6 seconds. Tier-10 Tank Sets: The gloves and chest pieces for warrior, death knight, and paladin tanks have had their stats adjusted slightly to provide additional armor value. Tier-10 Warlock 4-Piece Bonus: This bonus should now correctly be applied to the warlock's pet.

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