Feb 9, 2011 11:24 GMT  ·  By

Blizzard Entertainment has rolled out Patch 4.0.6 for World of Warcraft: Cataclysm players, listing the usual ton of changes for each class and race in part, as well as various user interface tweaks and more.

To save readers the trouble of scrolling through a mile-long changelog just to get to the general changes, here are some of the most important user Interface tweaks and general bug fixes you can expect in Patch 4.0.6 - a free download for all existing WoW Mac gamers.

User Interface

- For opening cinematics there is now a streaming option interface in the login screen for play-on-demand. - Players can now individually remove raid world markers. - The Reputation Pane now saves which reputation categories are expanded or collapsed.

Character Info Window

- The Character Info window (C) now saves the order and expand/collapse state of stat categories separately for each talent specialization. - Character movement speed is now displayed on the Character Info window (C) with all other stats. - The Haste display on the Character Info window (C) now shows the total haste percentage, rather than only haste from haste rating.

Guild Interface

- A View All button has been added to the profession display regardless of whether Show Offline Members is checked. - Online members can now be sorted to the top of the View Crafters list. - The guild reputation cap is now displayed in the tooltip. Real ID & Chat - Real ID login notifications now include character and game icons. - Players can now right-click close a chat window tab even if it's not the current tab. - There is now an option to auto-pop whispers into a new tab. - Popped out whisper windows now show online/offline status messages.

Unit Frames

- Predicted healing (previously only available for Raid Frames and raid-style Party Frames) has been added to the following unit frames: Player Frame, Party Frame, Target Frame, and Focus Frame.

According to Blizzard, many holiday decorations have been updated to better align with the post-Cataclysm world.

In addition, decorations should be visible in all Stormwind quest phases, and have returned to Gadgetzan, the studio claims.

Lunar Festival Sentinels anti-PvP guards have had their level and health/damage modifiers adjusted for Cataclysm, while corpses now properly drop to the ground if a player is killed in midair.

Also noted by Blizzard, dying while using a Charge ability will no longer leave the player's corpse suspended in the air, once players install the new patch.

Finally, spells with attachment point effect visuals should now display correctly. Many sound fixes are also included.

Download World of Warcraft: Cataclysm Patch (Free)