Google has just released a new version of Chrome for all supported platforms

Jun 24, 2014 05:38 GMT  ·  By
The new version of Chrome comes with bug fixes and performance improvements on all supported platforms
   The new version of Chrome comes with bug fixes and performance improvements on all supported platforms

Google has just rolled out a new preview version of Chrome 37 that's specifically aimed at developers who'd like to try out the feature lineup of the next stable release ahead of its public launch.

Google Chrome 37.0.2062.0 comes with bug fixes and performance improvements for all supported platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS X, so users who are already running the developer build of the browser should deploy this new build as soon as possible.

Alex Mineer, Google Chrome developer, said in a short statement that this new build contains bug fixes and patches supposed to resolve some of the crashes reported by users in the previous versions, which means that a more stable and reliable experience should be offered after updating.

Needless to say, this new rollout also includes updated builds of the 64-bit version of Windows, which has only recently been announced and brings significant speed and performance improvements.

Google says that the 64-bit version of Chrome is 25 percent faster than the 32-bit build, while the enhancements made to Windows 8 allowed the company to focus on better reliability and security of the browser.

“64-bit allows us to take advantage of the latest processor and compiler optimizations, a more modern instruction set, and a calling convention that allows more function parameters to be passed quickly by registers,” Google said when it announced the new version.

“With Chrome able to take advantage of the latest OS features such as High Entropy ASLR on Windows 8, security is improved on 64-bit platforms as well. Those extra bits also help us better defend against exploitation techniques such as JIT spraying, and improve the effectiveness of our existing security defense features like heap partitioning.”

Chrome 37 is still in the very early stages of development, so this fresh release is only aimed at those more experienced and developers whose primary focus is to find bugs and optimize their websites for the upcoming release.

Beginners and users who don't necessary have the time to diagnose issue and get in touch with Google to resolve the bugs they come across are still recommended to stick to the stable version that's also available on all supported platforms right now.

All in all, this is clearly a good opportunity to try out the feature lineup of Chrome 37 ahead of its public launch, so click the download links below to get the version that's working on your computer.

Download Google Chrome Dev 37.0.2062.0 for Windows

Download Google Chrome Dev 37.0.2062.0 for Linux

Download Google Chrome Dev 37.0.2062.0 for Mac OS X