A new version of the browser is now available for download

Jun 19, 2014 05:46 GMT  ·  By

Google has just completed development of a brand new beta version of Chrome that comes with improvements and bug fixes for the previous releases included in this particular development channel.

The Mountain View-based company hasn't talked too much about what's changed in this new version, but Matthew Yuan, one of the Google developers working on Chrome, explained that “this release fixes a number of crashes and other bugs.”

As a result, everyone still running this preview version of Chrome is recommended to deploy the latest beta as soon as possible, especially because it fixes some of the bugs that previously affected the overall performance when browsing the web.

As far as Windows is concerned, Google Chrome beta works on Windows XP, Vista, and 7, according to Google's very own documentation, but the application obviously works flawlessly on Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 as well. In fact, Google Chrome can also be launched in the Modern UI of Windows 8, thus offering adopters of Microsoft's new operating system a chance to browse the web with Chrome straight from the touch-optimized UI.

And still, Google says that Chrome beta is the perfect opportunity to “preview the latest features” and “try out the newest tools while they're a little rough around the edges.”

Of course, the purpose of installing the beta is to try out the features that would be integrated into the stable build, so only power users, developers and those with a bit more solid computer knowledge should actually go for this version.

Google obviously expects users who install the beta to sent feedback and help fix bugs and, in a post on the company's website, it also mentions that early feedback is playing a key role for the overall performance offered to users by the stable version.

“Let us know what you think and help make Google Chrome a better browser,” Google said.

This new beta of Chrome is obviously available on all supported platforms, including Windows, Linux, and Mac, but keep in mind that a number of bugs and other issues might still exist. We've already tried it and everything seems to be running smoothly on a Windows 8.1 computer, but you can always click the download links below and try if for yourselves to see how it works.

Download Google Chrome 36.0.1985.84 for Windows

Download Google Chrome 36.0.1985.84 for Linux

Download Google Chrome 36.0.1985.84 for Mac OS X