Jun 21, 2011 07:09 GMT  ·  By

Google has released Chrome 14.0.797.0 Dev, a new alpha build of their popular web browser for Mac, Windows, and Linux users. Also available for Chrome Frame users, the new release brings an updated V8 engine, and a bunch of platform specific tweaks, including one for Mac users.

Karen Grunberg, of the Google Chrome development team, is proud to make the introductions:

“The Dev channel has been updated to 14.0.797.0 for Mac, Windows, Linux, and Chrome Frame platforms,” Grunberg blogs for Google.

Her post includes the official changelog for this new release of Chrome Dev which, for all platforms, delivers a V8 engine that has been updated to version

Both Mac and Windows users will see improved support for the textarea element with screen readers. On the Mac front in particular, this change integrates with the system-wide voice function ‘VoiceOver’.

Google software engineers are also proud to inform that Chrome 14.0.797.0 Dev fixes a few issues as well. A print workflow bug causing Chrome Frame to display both Print Dialog and Print Preview appears to have been resolved.

Also addressed is a crash when canceling print and a bug that caused the mouse back and forward buttons to stop working.

As usual, Google Chrome Dev testers are encouraged to use the bug reporter to file any bug they find in order to make Chrome a better web browser on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

For those looking to learn more about this release, the full details are available in the svn log of all revisions.

Chrome Dev is not to be relied upon. It is considered alpha-grade software. A more reliable version if Chrome 13 Beta. Those who wish to use Chrome for work are advised to employ the Stable builds for Mac, Windows, or Linux - now at version 12.

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