And pimp the Microsoft instant messaging client

Jan 21, 2008 16:48 GMT  ·  By

Are you looking to pimp out your Windows Live Messenger? Well, you could go with a variety of different options. But the fact of the matter is that in the end you'll need not only something that you can enjoy yourself like some cool themes, but also content that you can share. And in this regard, nothing can tailor better to the purpose of adding a little eye candy to Windows Live Messenger than some exquisite emoticons. In this regard, Microsoft has quite a rich offering available of the alternatives for gestures, facial expressions and emotions used to spice up an instant messaging textual conversation.

First off, the Redmond company's PimpMyLive is powering the Fun Family. Via Fun Family, users can enjoy a bunch of new emoticons for Windows Live Messenger. "Windows Live messenger presents Fun Family," reads an announcement on the PimpMyLive web page. "The funniest family of 30 emoticons. Download this very latest set of emoticons directly into Windows Live Messenger. Have Fun!"

And just in case that Fun Family just doesn't cut it for you, then you will be happy to know that Microsoft is offering a total of nine additional emoticons packs. Windows Live Messenger users can access Emo Pack 2, Poker Pack, Squirts Pack, Karate Boy Pack, Karate Girl Pack, Emo Pack (two versions), Bear & Rabbit Pack and the Christmas Pack.

At the beginning of November 2007, Microsoft delivered the final version of Windows Live Messenger 8.5, its instant messenger application tailored to Windows Vista. Live Messenger 8.5 does not offer anywhere near the extent of the Vista look and feel of the Yahoo Messenger for Windows Vista, but it is still blending nicely with the Aero graphical user interface. November was also the month when the Redmond company made available the first testing build of Windows Live messenger 9.0.