As the guys celebrate version 2.0, you can also download a huge amount of presets for free

Aug 15, 2007 06:55 GMT  ·  By

It's not everyday that people who make really good software are offering it for free or decide they should give away the results of their work. Now, without being a cheap-a*s, I must say (and you must say along with me) that when this thing happens it feels damn good, watching your computer's screen downloading free software, byte after byte, just waiting for you to put it to good use and start creating neat music.

Well, Hispasonic is (for those not that connected to the world of music) one hell of a community dedicated to two things: on one hand it's about making music and all sorts of tools for making music and on the other hand it is dedicated to the Spanish-speaking people, because you see, music isn't made only in English or German or French-speaking circles, claro? Well, Hispasonic reached version 2.0 and has had other Latin guys at Acustica Audio behind the Nebula projects build up a neat reverb VST (Windows) plugin, the Nebula Reverb Hispasonic Edition (HS).

Even more, if it was on the designing of the Hispasonic version of this very cool and comprehensive reverb, it wasn't that interesting; but this piece of code comes with a very impressive library of presets, with a total of 450MB, along with 18 presets designed by Jorge Ruiz. Even more, now a tutorial for the Nebula Reverb HS written in Spanish is available for those who want to do everything in the hispano-way.

Now, no matter if you are a death metal producer or writing some new hits for Jennifer Lopez, you should at least try out the Nebula Reverb HS and see what's going on with the hispano ways of the reverb. Download the installer here and take a look at the multitude of presets here. Have fun, hasta la vista!

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