Irrational Games was kind enough to roll out 12 of the tracks composed by none other than Garry Schyman

Aug 28, 2007 07:18 GMT  ·  By

At the time Irrational Games first announced who'd be composing BioShock's score, Kevin Levine's and Emily Ridgway's statements made it clear that Garry Schyman was the perfect man for the job. More recently though, the company has made available the game's orchestral score, made up of 12 mp3 files. You can download them immediately right HERE on Softpedia, as we've made them available for you in a single 21.6 MB .zip file.

The recently released report says: Today, 2K Games released the original score to BioShock as a free download on The Cult of Rapture website. The score was created by film, television and video game composer Garry Schyman and features a combination of early twentieth century writing, aleatoric elements, musique concrete, traditional tonal and late romantic styles that capture the distinct retro-futuristic aesthetic of the game.

"It's kind of hard to imagine BioShock without Garry's music. It just wouldn't be the same game," attested Ken Levine, Creative Director at Irrational Games at the time the world first found out who'd be composing BioShock's score.

As for Emily Ridgway, Audio Director at Irrational Games, she stated that "Garry Schyman's work for us was incredible from the start in every possible aspect. From his ability to produce and compose amazingly unique orchestral recordings, all the meanwhile perfectly accommodating the peaks and troughs of game development, Garry really deserves all the praise he gets for the BioShock soundtrack and then some."

But it wasn't only Irrational Games and its directors that were happy about Schyman's involvement with BioShock's orchestral score, but Garry Schyman himself, who had to say the following:

"BioShock is a composer's dream project; I have never been offered such a unique palette to write for," said the man himself, Garry Schyman. "I really pushed myself to create a score that truly complements the extraordinary experience of BioShock and Irrational Games supported me all the way. I even had the opportunity to write a solo piano work in the style of late Rachmaninoff!"

Again, HERE's the link to downloading BioShock score. Enjoy!