The new patch brings a co-op mode, a new hero, and many new mechanics

Dec 12, 2013 07:30 GMT  ·  By

After making a fake announcement for Frostivus 2013 for Dota 2 earlier this week, Valve has now revealed the actual holiday-themed in-game event for the popular multiplayer title – Wraith Night 2013.

The new celebration kicks off later today, December 12, when the actual Wraith Night 2013 update goes live. As previously teased, it focuses on the Skeleton King and his new quest for power.

Quite a lot of new mechanics are introduced with the themed update, as players can engage in different activities while playing their regular Dota 2 matches. What's more, a special cooperative mode is also present, in which players face off against AI-controlled monsters.

A new hero, in the form of the Legion Commander, is also coming, as are new spectating mechanics and the already-confirmed Ranked Matchmaking.

Check out some of the details below, via the official website.



Only the Bronze Legion and their indomitable commander Tresdin arrived in time to answer the threat of the abyssal invasion. Driving her force into the heart of the burning city of Stonehall, she challenged the leader of the vile horde to single combat, trading blows before plunging her blade into its stampeding heart. In the grim ruin that now remained of her homeland, Tresdin unfurled her banners of war, setting out to reap brutal vengeance upon the monstrous forces of the abyss, or any others who would dare stand in her way.

Recruit your friends

Know a friend who hasn't tried Dota 2 yet? Introduce them to the game! And to help ensure they get a good start you and your friend will receive a Battle Bonus when you play together until they reach level ten. Have more friends to bring to the battle? Show them the ropes, then display on your Dota 2 profile how many people you've recruited.

Spectate with friends

Playing Dota is more fun with your friends, and so is watching. Now, if even one of you has a tournament ticket, your whole party can view a live game together. So jump in a chat channel with your friends and cheer on your favorite pro team!

A stronger sense of purpose

This update includes a newly crafted path for beginners to Dota 2, which gradually introduces players to the many varied game modes and settings in Dota 2. In addition, players are now guided through the many types of items they'll find while playing Dota 2, and given the opportunity to try them out. Not to be left out, experienced players will find they're now able to work towards longer term goals that are guaranteed to produce higher quality item finds.



Want to size up your skill? We’re adding a ranked matchmaking pool for experienced players who want to play competitively and use the Matchmaking Rating (MMR) to track their career and compare with friends. After unlocking the feature at level 13 (approximately 150 games), you will go through a series of 10 calibration games before you can see your rating.

The new patch will go live on the Steam service later today, December 12.