The tycoon is convinced that the wind turbines will ruin Scotland’s coastline

Mar 27, 2013 21:31 GMT  ·  By
Donald Trump speaks out against plans to build an offshore wind farm in Aberdeen Bay
   Donald Trump speaks out against plans to build an offshore wind farm in Aberdeen Bay

This past March 26, high officials in Scotland agreed to give the green light to the building of an offshore wind farm in Aberdeen Bay.

Shortly after this green-oriented project got the go-ahead, billionaire David Trump lashed out against it and argued that, once up and running, the 11 wind turbines set to be installed in Aberdeen Bay would ruin Scotland's coastline.

“This was a purely political decision. As dictated by Alex Salmond, a man whose obsession with obsolete wind technology will destroy the magnificence and beauty of Scotland. Likewise, tourism, Scotland’s biggest industry, will be ruined,” Donald Trump reportedly argued.

Presently, the tycoon vows to do everything in his power to make sure that both Scotland's natural beauty, and his ₤750 million (€884.4 million / $1,137.7 million) golf course in nearby Aberdeenshire, are kept safe from said 11 wind turbines.

As he put it, “We will put our future plans in Aberdeen on hold [i.e. no longer invest in the golf course], as will many others, until this ridiculous proposal is defeated. Likewise, we will be bringing a lawsuit within the allocated period of time to stop what will definitely be the destruction of Aberdeen and Scotland itself.”