Specialists say the number of cases is on the rise

Jun 9, 2009 19:11 GMT  ·  By
Extended use of cell phone compresses the ulnar nerve, which leads to the cubital tunnel syndrome
   Extended use of cell phone compresses the ulnar nerve, which leads to the cubital tunnel syndrome

The list of “ills of the digital age” has just received a new addition, with specialists including the so-called Cell Phone Elbow syndrome among the overuse injuries with potential to proliferate at amazing speed. With half the population of the planet already owning a cell phone, those of us who spend hours on end on the phone should pay attention to the position of our elbow lest we want to be seriously injured, specialists warn, as per ErgoWeb.

The affection, known as cubital tunnel syndrome, is by no means new, health professionals point out, but it’s only recently that it has reached impressive proportions, given the fact that cell phone use has also increased exponentially. Cases of people who are already complaining of pain in the ring finger and the pinky, and who often feel a numbing and tingling sensation in their elbow are already recorded, it is being said.

What happens with prolonged use of the cell phone is similar to what happens with carpal tunnel syndrome, a condition prompted by computer use, or with Wii-itis (elbow pain from playing Wii Tennis), Nintendonitis (thumb pain) or BlackBerry Thumb (thumb pain from prolonged texting). Because the elbow is bent more than 90 degrees when holding the phone up to the ear, the ulnar nerve is compressed. Too much pressure on it leads to decreased blood flow and, consequently, pain. Left untreated or without taking the necessary measures, the pain can become debilitating, experts also point out.

Because of this, the affection has just been included on the list of overuse injuries. “Michael Darowish, MD, Jeffrey N. Lawton, MD, and Peter J. Evans, MD, Ph.D., explained that in susceptible people, holding the bent-elbow position for extended periods can lead to decreased blood flow, inflammation and compression of the ulnar nerve. This nerve passes along the bony bump inside the elbow. As symptoms progress, they can include a loss of muscle strength, coordination and mobility that can make writing and typing difficult. In chronic, untreated cases, the ring finger and pinky can become clawed. They describe the condition as the second most common nerve compression syndrome in the upper extremities after carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS).” ErgoWeb points out.

Should we notice pain in the ring finger or the pinky, or a certain feeling of numbness in the elbow, we’re to take measures immediately. The most common sense thing to do at first is to stop using the same hand while on the phone, and perhaps even investing in a hands-free device. If the pain does not subside, seeing a specialist is highly recommended, since the most severe cases can even end up in surgery – so preventing is, as always, better than treating.

Below is Dr. Jennifer Ashton explaining the cubital tunnel syndrome, or Cell Phone Elbow, for CBS.