Sony and Nintendo alliance...NOT

Jan 4, 2007 08:59 GMT  ·  By

Looks like Sony and Nintendo have joined efforts and they are planning to release a new handheld console. The new console will be called PSPboy, and, as you can see from the picture, it looks great. Who knew that Sony and Nintendo will stop competing and decide to join forces?

This is how a fake story sounds! Sony and Nintendo have not joined forces, nor are they creating a new handheld console. This is but a joke, a fake console, made by someone who has waaaay too much free time on his/her hands. This PSPboy picture was sent to Kotaku by a reader, and we can only guess what the back-story is on this device.

The fake PSPboy (a combination between the PSP and the Gameboy), as Kotaku named it, may finally bring peace between Sony and Nintendo fanboys. Maybe the constant forum bashing between them will finally come to and end...NOT LIKELY! Frankly, I don't understand why Sony and Nintendo fanboys argue so much?yeah, one likes PlayStations, the other likes Wiis and GameCubes, but can't they all just get along? Can't they just enjoy their consoles?

On a more serious note, imagine what Nintendo and Sony could accomplish if they worked together. I'm not talking about handheld systems now, but about full-size consoles. They would really kick some Microsoft Xbox 360 ass if they would find a way to combine the Wii and PS3...