Brits lack in vocabulary

Dec 14, 2006 11:33 GMT  ·  By

Some smartass college professors had nothing better to do than to analyze the vocabulary of teens. Apparently, their teaching job at Lancaster University is not that much of a challenge to them and they have nothing better to do than to perform a study on teenager's vocabulary.

Apparently, teens nowadays have a vocabulary of 12,600 words, in comparison to their 25 to 34 year-old counterparts who have a 21,400 vocabulary. What does this has to do with gaming? A lot!

Looks like those who conducted this study blame this on Technology Isolation Syndrome. This is translated into teens playing too much on video game consoles and spending too much time listening to MP3 players and not talking to each other that much.

As resulting from this study, the most common words used by UK teens are "but no" and "no but". Gamesblog points out the fact that there are fears of the whole nation turning into Vicky Pollard. If you don't know who Vicky Pollard is, don't worry. It's no biggie. Vickie Pollard is the star of a British comedy show called "Little Britain". This show is filled with moronic jokes and insulting punchlines, so you're not missing much.

To get back to the main topic, playing video games doesn't make you stupid, nor does it improve your vocabulary. You can improve your vocabulary be it by reading, writing and most of all going to school. So kids, stay in school!