The baby dolphin was accidentally killed by boat propellers

Jul 18, 2012 12:16 GMT  ·  By

A video just made public can be considered proof enough that dolphins are not so much different from humans. Thus, tourists sailing in the waters nearby Southern China were both shocked and saddened to see a mother dolphin carrying her dead calf, as if grieving for its loss.

Given the injury on the baby dolphin's abdomen, it is believed that this newly born marine mammal was accidentally killed by a boat propeller.

The fact that quite a lot of tourists explore these waters by boat on a regular basis backs up this theory.

Even if the calf looked as if it had been dead for several days, his mother refused to let go of its offspring and continued to struggle with keeping it afloat.

Apparently, this is not the first time when a dolphin displays such human-like behavior, and some zoologists claim that these animals experience much more emotions than one might initially think.