On Microsoft.com

Oct 27, 2006 08:46 GMT  ·  By

I know this sounds strange, but bear with me. "The Old New Thing" is reporting that - as far as search items on Microsoft.com are concerned - DirectX has topped Sex. Apparently, this happened in the wake of the DirectX 3 launch. Back then, the Microsoft website was under assault by users searching DirectX. So much so that this became the most searched item at that time.

But the story doesn't end here. It also seems that Microsoft customers have a natural and healthy appetite for, well, sex... And I say this because Sex was the sixth most searched word on Microsoft.com in the same period of time.

Now this tells us two things. One, Microsoft clients are more keen on DirectX than they are on sex. And this actually makes sense, since it is Microsoft.com. And two, of course. You can search for Sex even on Microsoft.com. Curious what you find? Well you are geared toward Microsoft Windows CE .NET 4.2 - ChangeDisplaySettingsEx. Not exactly what you had in mind, is it?