Children are told how the world is not billions of years old

Apr 26, 2013 14:02 GMT  ·  By

A science quiz at a religious school reveals that children are being taught about humans and dinosaurs living together.

Also, if you ask teachers who use the "Dinosaurs: Genesis and the Gospel" gospel, you can learn how the world is not billions of years old.

Snopes posts a photo of the test, identifying the school as a private religious institution located in South Carolina, north of Greer.

"I now know to be vigilant … about [my daughter's] science teachings," one concerned parent at the school tells reporters.

The parent, who also snapped the photo, mentioned that teachers there have been efficient in teaching his daughter Math, Reading, Latin, and Writing.

However, he mentions his intention to have the 10-year-old student transferred at the end of the school year, at which point he plans to reveal the name of the school.