Those who slim down while still in their youth have more chances of reversing heart damage

Mar 4, 2013 19:41 GMT  ·  By

According to a team of researchers working with the John Hopkins University School of Medicine, those who lose weight while still in their youth are far more likely to reverse whatever damages obesity has caused to their heart than those who wait until they reach a slightly older age.

Newswise reports that, as experiments carried out on mice have shown, the practice of dieting and leading a more active lifestyle more often than not only helps the younger individuals.

Despite the fact that the researchers in charge of conducting these investigations are not yet sure whether or not the data they collected while analyzing mice can also be applied to humans, Majd AlGhatrif, M.D argued as follows:

“We don’t know whether the same principle would apply to humans as well, and if so, what the turning point would be. But the basic message is that losing weight sooner rather than later would be more beneficial.”

The scientists plan on conducting several other investigations meant to test the theory that losing weight does indeed yield the most benefits when done at an early age.