Fight the extra pounds the smart way

Dec 22, 2008 07:45 GMT  ·  By

As we were telling you a couple of days ago, recent studies have showed that almost 45 percent of women taking up a new desk job gain an average of 15 pounds in the first three months of employment. Called “the office 15,” the extra weight can be lost as easily as it’s gained, with just a little effort on our behalf. So, other than the deskercises we were talking about the other day, we can also make good use of a few diet tips to stop the pounds from piling on.

First off, we must remember that sedentariness can lead to overeating, as also does stress. Since that’s almost a given, we might as well replace unhealthy snacks and sweets with fruits or snacks that are filling and, at the same time, light on calories. Nutritionists recommend nuts and seeds for a quick snack, with the mention that more than a handful a day might have the opposite effect from what we expect. While nuts and seeds are a bit high on calories, they’re also rich in protein, magnesium, vitamin B and healthy monounsaturated fats, which makes it so that, if enjoyed in the morning or at lunch, they ensure the necessary amount of energy to last us throughout the day.

However, if this first part is already checked and we still feel like snacking, or even downright hungry, specialists recommend we also remember our old friends, fruits and veggies. Not only do vegetables make for a hearty and delicious lunch with two tablespoons of salad dressing (but no more than two), but they also have a high fiber content, which means they’re filling without being fattening.

In the same line, nutritionists also advise us to replace whatever it is we’re having now for breakfast, if anything at all, with eggs. Besides being the highest quality protein available, eggs also work wonders with keeping blood sugar and cortisol under control. They’re filling and help in keeping hunger away for much longer. The same goes for whey protein shake, which is known to contain specialized branched-chain amino acids that provide muscles with nitrogen, keeping them firm and preventing them from becoming broken down by the lack of energy.

On a final note, the same nutritionists also tell us that we should give oolong tea a go if we’re planning on losing some job-related weight. Because it has been proven to balance blood sugar and cortisol levels, three cups a day while at work should do just the trick to fight off the extra pounds. These being said, now that we know there are ways of not becoming one of the many women that fit in the “office 15” category, we might as well start acting on it today.